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The 5 Best Mushroom Coffee Alternative

Best Alternatives for Mushroom Coffee

You may be looking for the best mushroom coffee alternative because you don't like its side effects. Like any other caffeinated drink, mushroom coffee may be delicious, but it can cause trouble in excess. 

Shakiness, anxiety, and energy crashes are common symptoms among people who constantly include mushroom coffee in their morning cups.

These alternatives are all excellent choices for someone who wants mushroom coffee's health benefits without the side effects. None contain caffeine, so you can enjoy them at any time of the day and avoid that dreaded afternoon slump.

We will discuss the best mushroom coffee alternatives and how you can start your journey towards healthier eating habits that you can enjoy.

Why Mushroom Coffee Be Harmful

Some people experience unpleasant side effects after drinking a mushroom blend coffee due to their caffeine tolerance. Even the lower doses in a mushroom coffee blend could cause an upset stomach, a rapid heartbeat, or anxiety if your stomach is sensitive to caffeine.

In addition, kidney issues and a history of grain digestion issues can make mushroom coffee brands problematic for some people. Because they contain many oxalates, Chaga mushrooms, in particular, can raise your risk of kidney stones. 

Oxalates are naturally occurring compounds in various foods that can bind to calcium and form crystals while your body produces urine. This is most likely to happen if you're consuming a lot of oxalates and not enough liquid.

Medicinal mushrooms, reishi mushrooms, functional mushrooms, and cordyceps mushrooms are some types of mushrooms that can be found in the best mushroom coffee brands. However, even these kinds of mushrooms that have the potential to offer many great health benefits can still create adverse side effects for many people.

The adaptogens in mushroom coffees can cause adverse reactions such as nausea, diarrhea, stomach pain, and other allergic reactions. 

If you are experiencing any health issues after including mushroom coffee in your diet, your first step should be to stop drinking it and look for alternatives. If that doesn't work, consider speaking with a dietitian or doctor.

The Best Alternatives to Mushroom Coffee

The best organic mushroom coffee alternatives keep their antioxidant benefits while eliminating the side effects of caffeine and the potentially unpleasant mushroom coffee taste. 

While caffeine can be good for you, some people have to avoid caffeine altogether because of medical conditions, mood disorders, and anxiety disorders, and other people may want to cut caffeine out of their diet or at least reduce their daily consumption. 

Whatever the case may be, there are plenty of great alternatives. For example, the best super greens powder can deliver incredible health benefits without relying on caffeine to boost your energy. 

Now, we can dive deeper into each of the top mushroom coffee alternatives so that you can savor every sip without the buzz. 

1. Greens Powder

Drinking greens powders in a smoothie or mixed with water will nourish your body and support a positive mood. Greens powders combine different super greens into a single blend. 

Supermarket staples like spinach and kale are supported by more exotic choices like the freshwater algae spirulina and barley grass. 

Combined, these greens deliver green vitamins and other hearty plant nutrients daily. Their effects include:

  • Boosted immunity
  • Greater energy levels
  • Lower risk of heart disease
  • Better gut health thanks to probiotics

Mix the green powder with coconut milk, banana, and strawberries for a delicious breakfast smoothie.

2. Dandelion Tea

Naturally caffeine-free, dandelion tea has a subtle, sweet taste that will change the pace for coffee lovers. Its earthy flavor stems from the roasted roots of dandelions.

It is one of the best alternatives to mushroom coffee, especially if the health benefits are your main concern. 

Dandelion tea is full of antioxidants, which help reduce inflammation and speed up the detoxification process. This, in turn, reduces oxidative stress that can lead to cellular damage.

On top of all that, as far as vitamins go, dandelion tea has plenty to offer. You'll find vitamins A, B, C, and D in each cup, along with minerals like iron and zinc. Combined, they help strengthen your immune system and support better bodily function.

3. Golden Milk

It sounds like a magical brew, but there's nothing mysterious about the health benefits of this turmeric-powder drink. 

Golden Milk is a delicious, spiced beverage that combines your choice of milk with turmeric, black pepper, cinnamon, and maple syrup for sweetness. 

The result is a delicious, anti-inflammatory drink thanks to turmeric's active compound, curcumin. 

Curcumin can increase your body’s ability to fight free radicals and other harmful atoms that can cause a lot of damage and even kill cells. It also helps improve brain health and memory and lower your risk for heart disease. 

4. Pero

You can find Pero instant coffee online, and though it may look like brewed coffee once made, it contains zero coffee beans or caffeine. Pero is a 100% natural coffee alternative that tastes like the real thing, so coffee lovers curbing their caffeine consumption will rejoice. 

Pero is made from barley, malted barley, chicory, and rye. 

Barley is a great source of many important nutrients, such as fiber, vitamin B1, manganese, and selenium. It also contains lignans, a specialized group of antioxidants.

The chicory plant is often beloved for its delicate flowers, but it also contains health benefits that include better gut health and brain function. 

The most notable nutrients in chicory are vitamin B6 and manganese. B6 is a vitamin responsible for keeping your immune and nervous systems healthy. Manganese supports blood clotting, nourishes bones and tissues, and aids the development of sex hormones.

Finally, you can count on rye for a good dose of fiber, which promotes good digestion and a strong metabolism.

5. Moringa

If you're a fan of matcha, then you might love moringa. This drink is made from all the parts of the tree bearing the same name. From its leaves to its roots, the moringa tree is entirely edible. 

With seven times more vitamin C than oranges and 15 times more potassium than bananas, it's a nutrient powerhouse that can significantly boost your immune system.

Enjoy moringa as a mushroom coffee alternative in the morning, or savor it as an after-dinner drink to help you wind down before bed.

Final Thoughts

These are some of the best mushroom coffee alternatives for anyone who loves the health benefits but wants to try something new. With zero caffeine, they use high doses of essential nutrients and vitamins to deliver energy-boosting benefits.

One of the best alternatives to mushroom coffee is greens powders. The best greens powder brands can make your body and mind feel refreshed and rejuvenated with a great taste that you can enjoy every day.